Client Comments

Photo of Karen

Client Experiences

"....Nobody could have been more skeptical than ... and I on what therapy could have done for us. But thankfully, we pushed our BIG egos aside and stumbled upon a counselor that helped us to see different perspectives. I honestly believe that if we hadn't participated in the work we did with you, we would not be together right now. So again, THANK YOU! .... "

"...The people we were when we came into your office a year ago were totally different people then we are now. And I can almost pinpoint that pivotal moment in your office when it hit us that the way we were acting was unnecessary, not to mention a blatant waste of time. We made a conscious effort to remove ourselves from the drama in our lives and focused on building our trust and friendship back up..."

I met Karen Anderson after some serious marital trouble. I thought that time with Karen would help my husband and I work through our issues, but I had no idea how pivotal Karen would be in my life. Karen's guidance was and continues to be honest and encouraging of self-reflection and personal growth. She has the ability to see through the "story" and identify the path that provides the most opportunity for growth. Karen is open-minded and easy to talk to. The atmosphere with her and in her office is free from judgement, warm, and comforting. Karen provided guidance that helped me sort out my feelings with my marriage, but she has been much more than a therapist. She has become a trusted spiritual guide. With her help, I have started on the path to spiritual awakening. Our conversations still provide therapy sessions, but within a spiritual context, with spiritual growth being the unspoken center. With Karen's help, I am continually expanding my consciousness. With any situation, particularly challenging ones, I try to think of what Karen's advice would be. Karen is a gifted and enlightened therapist and I feel very fortunate to have her example in my life. ... AT

Karen Anderson is absolutely wonderful. I began seeing Karen for my anxiety issues and panic attacks initially. The therapy was open, casual and she was inviting and non-judgmental. Throughout 6 months we worked through my anxiety with both traditional therapy, hypnosis, and EMDR. By the end of 6 months my anxiety had tremendously improved. I felt so satisfied with Karen and he r work that I began seeing her to work on my relationship. My fiancé an d I saw her to help us with communication. The tools she gave us were extremely helpful and she is an extremely knowledgeable resource. I would recommend Karen Anderson to anyone struggling with anxiety or any type of emotional  problem as well as for anyone seeking relationship counseling. Karen is truly a phenomenal person and my life has not been the same since working with he r! ... PM

"Thank you so much for your guidance and tips on living a healthy life style. You have helped me work through some tough times. I know there will be ups and downs that will still come up but I am thankful for the things I have learned through you."

"...I just wanted to say thank you again. Your insight, unbiased opinions and mediation abilities truly helped us to find our way..."

"...Karen Anderson was the best thing to happen to my family since my kids were marriage was saved and my wife and I found love again. I recommend anyone with family issues. You will receive great information and be more knowledgeable in your relationship" A.C June 2012

C... and I have been clients of Karen for the past four years and have been so happy with the results that we have recommended her many times to other couples. Karen has taught us to speak a common language so that we can actually communicate without stress and drama. I firmly believe that if we had not received couples therapy from Karen we would not be a happily married couple today. GB

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